Guideline for handling FIBC (flexible intermediate bulk container)
All use of these guidelines is at the users’ own risk. AGON A/S does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the handling guidelines, nor does it guarantee that the handling guidelines are in accordance with all applicable laws or regulations. AGON A/S assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the handling guidelines, whether supplied by AGON A/S or third parties. AGON A/S does not warrant that the handling guidelines are reasonably appropriate for a particular situation and there may be circumstances where different or additional warnings and/or handling guidelines are required. It is the responsibility of each individual company to ensure that the handling of the guidelines is approved in the context of regulations and compliance with country legislation. AGON A/S assumes no responsibility in this regard.
General information about FIBC
Ensure the FIBC is appropriate for the filling & emptying environment (i.e., electrostatic concerns in flammable or explosive environments). Verify the bottom discharge spout is closed correctly prior to filling the FIBC. Closed correctly means according to the FIBC manufacturer’s instructions. Take appropriate measures with regard to dust control. Never exceed the safe working load (SWL) / rated capacity specified for an FIBC. Don’t fill an FIBC to a level that adversely affects its stability and/or exceeds the height to width limitations set forth in applicable industry standards or regulatory codes. A maximum ratio of 2:1 is typical, however current industry standards or regulatory codes should be referenced. The FIBC filling spout or duffle must be closed in accordance with the FIBC manufacturer’s instructions. Check that the bottom outlet spout is closed correctly before filling the FIBC.
Handling of FIBC
Devices used to handle FIBCs must be designed for FIBCs, have safety latches, be rated for the capacity of the filled FIBC and adhere to approved handling methods.
Never suspend an FIBC using fewer lift loops, sleeves, etc., then have been provided.

Never gather loops to lift with one hook, unless the FIBC is specifically designed and approved by the manufacturer for doing so.

If lifting with one hook, slings or other lifting devices must be used to keep the loops vertical and prevent damaging lateral forces.

Ensure all forklift tines, crane hooks, bars or handling devices used are free of sharp edges or protrusions. Edges must be rounded to at least the thickness of the lift loops, sleeves, etc., used to support the FIBC. The radius must be a minimum of 5 mm.

The distance between the forklift tines must be adjusted to the correct width to ensure all lift loops or sleeves are vertical to prevent damaging lateral forces.

Maintain a clear line of sight when moving an FIBC. Never move the FIBC if your line of sight is blocked.
When handling by forklift, hold the FIBC close to the mast, as low as possible with the mast tilted back to an appropriate angle.
Keep the FIBC clear of the floor so there is no contact with the floor or the wheels of the forklift. Never drag or push an FIBC. Never tilt the mast of a forklift truck forward when handling an FIBC. Never lower a FIBC using fewer lifting straps, sleeves, etc. Than provided.

Always ensure personnel are safely clear of any potential hazards and never allow personnel to stand or place any appendage under a suspended FIBC.

Always use slings and all lift loops when righting an FIBC that has tipped over.

Storage of Big Bags (FIBC)
Ensure any pallets used for handling are: Free from nails or protrusions that could damage the FIBC. Of appropriate size so the FIBC does not overhang the side, unless specifically designed and approved to do so by the manufacturer.
Beware of water or moisture contamination inside storage facilities:
Always try to store your FIBCs inside a covered facility or warehouse that is free from any water or moisture contamination that could come into contact with your FIBCs and damage them.
Beware of inclement weather:
Always protect your FIBCs from inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.) Exposure to inclement weather could significantly weaken the strength of an FIBC.
Beware of sunlight & UV rays:
Always protect your FIBCs from sunlight and the harmful effects of UV rays. Exposure to UV rays will weaken the strength of an FIBC.